Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Hiral Patel Essays (291 words) - Crisis Communication, Free Essays

Hiral Patel Essays (291 words) - Crisis Communication, Free Essays Hiral Patel BA 2196 Section 703/Paul A. Evangelista Writing Assignment: Crisis Communication Part III Carnival managed its crisis inappropriately when it did not offer proper feedback to passengers' worried family and friends. In a press conference on February 12, 2013, CEO Gerry Cahill provided a confused response to the questionable conditions on the ship. In this communication, Cahill was speaking of the conditions on the ship, saying, "Most of the public bathrooms are working. I think there are23?" (Cahill, 2013). This perplexing statement and its casual delivery showed a disregard for the passengers on the ship as well as the crisis. Many people worried about their friends and families on the ship and if their loved ones will come back safe. Cahill provided perplexed responses in press conferences as if numbers and conditions did not matter to him or the company. Timothy Coombs (2007) would advise against this reaction, as he states that the response "must provide any information needed to aid public safety, provide basic information about what has happened, and offer concern if there are victims" (Coombs, 2007). The lack of assurance from Cahill thus served to intensify the carelessness of the CEO and the company. Cahill did not provide definite information on the conditions on the ship. He responded in a confounded manner that left the press and the public in a state of confusion. In this way, Cahill's perplexed response in the press conference flagged him as a careless CEO of passengers trapped in the crisis. References Associated Press. (2013, February 12). Carnival Apologizes for Ship Fire [Press release]. Retrieved April 03, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE8z_IDbFUI Coombs, W. T. (2007, October 30). Crisis Management and Communications. Retrieved from instituteforpr.org/topics/crisis-management-and-communications/

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